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Currently studying at Management & Science University(MSU) , taking Diploma in Accountancy . and my name is ABBY for short . Enjoy reading my blog on Accounting Information System yeah :)

Monday 26 December 2011

Six (6) UBS Skills I've Learned Today

This time around , there were a lots of methods or skills of UBS system that had been taught during class . They are SIX of them and the skills are as follow :

  1. Add new debtors (Account Receivable)
  2. Add new creditor (Account Payable)
  3. Key in business transactions using different types of batches
  4. To view individual ledgers
  5. Change account type description
  6. Restore

Add New Debtors (Account Receivable)
Go to 'Debtors' tab -> Debtors File Maintenance

Add New Creditors (Account Payable)
Go to 'Creditors' tab -> Creditors File Maintenance

Key In Business Transactions Using Different Types of Batches
Go to 'Transaction' tab -> Transaction File Maintenance . For the batch , scroll the list down and choose one according to the transaction you are up to . 
* To be noted , every transactions may be having different types of batches *
[ The way of entering the transactions are still the same but the only difference is we need to use different type of batches in order to do it . Like on the previous lesson I have used only one type of batch as all the transactions made were in the respect of the bank ; 'Cash Book (Bank)' . Therefore , only batch 5 is used up . But then , this time around , in my second UBS assignment (2) question , there we a lots of batches involved . So , just change the number batch according to the type of journal you wanted to key in . Like example , I did key in my capital transaction using batch 1 (since in the batch list , capital is on the top of the list) ]

To View Individual Ledgers 
Go to 'Reports' tab -> View Ledgers
  • To view all of the ledgers : 'Reports' tab -> Print Ledgers (this is where all the ledgers will be shown)
  • To view trial balance : 'Reports' tab -> Trial Balance
  • To view Profit & Loss : 'Reports' tab -> Profit & Loss
Change Account Type Description
Go to 'Housekeeping' tab -> Setup -> Account type description setting

"The function of restore is important when user needs to recover back their information either corrupt or mistake that being done ."
Go to 'File' tab -> Backup & Restore -> Restore . Then select the diskette drive that contain your backup drive or if you did backup file at local C drive , go to 'backup folder' the choose C drive follow by the folder -> Click Restore and retype 'RESTORE' in the empty box 
However the system can only read file named 'backup.acc' . Therefore , rename your file from i.e ; BACKUP.ACC2NABILAH -> BACKUP.ACC 

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