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Currently studying at Management & Science University(MSU) , taking Diploma in Accountancy . and my name is ABBY for short . Enjoy reading my blog on Accounting Information System yeah :)

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Explain what is 'Communication Gap' under System Analysis phase.

A communication gap is a state that occurs when communication is not happening when it should be.


System analyst is the one who should take responsibility in order to bridge the communication gap , not the management. Therefore, the first task of the analyst conducting a systems survey should be to establish a good working relationship between the project team and management.

Being that good communication is the cornerstone for any successful projects. So, how to deal with 'Communication Gap'
  1. Get to know as many people involved in the system as soon as possible.
  2. Communicate the benefits of the proposed system to the individual involves.
  3. Provide assurances, to the degree possible, to all individuals that there will be no losses of jobs or major changes in job responsibilities.
  4. Discover which communication works best and encourage its usage.
  5. Exercise understanding and patience.
  6. Have a conduit to get important information when it is required.
  7.  Demonstrate consistency and persistence.
Video of Communication Gap in Real World :)

Description : Technology is becoming a part of us. We want to enhance the communication experience by getting people closer, understanding each other no matter the language, culture or communication disability (e.g. hearing disability). We thought of a new way to communicate face to face and put away all communication barriers --> Vision Talk :) 

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