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Currently studying at Management & Science University(MSU) , taking Diploma in Accountancy . and my name is ABBY for short . Enjoy reading my blog on Accounting Information System yeah :)

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Four (4) Skills That I Have Learned Today

Before proceeding learning a new lesson for the class , Sir Fendy told us to log in to our previous company's profile . But then , we had to delete the file in order to try the other way of entering the information .

First skill that i have learned today was to delete the file . To do this ,  go to 'Housekeeping' tab -> Clear Files / Generate Sample Chart -> Clear Both Charts of Transactions & Accounts . By now , we can see that on Print Chart of Account , there is no information because all of it had already been deleted . Now since the Chart of Account is now empty , we need to create the new Chart of Account and next proceed to key in the Batches .

Next skill was to key in the double entry . But this time around , we were taught on how to use the other way of entering the information which is by using 'Quick Entry'. Go to 'Transaction' tab -> Transactions File Maintenance -> Quick Entry (which is located at the bottom of it). Below are some quick knowledge on Quick Entry . 

Inequality of Quick Entry and Add Entry :
  • Quick Entry - only need to key in on a side of transaction and then the system will complete the double entry by using recurring code in Quick Entry feature to handle the corresponding side of the entry automatically . 
  • Add Entry : need to key in both transaction (debit & credit) manually .
Quick Entry is used in order to :
  • saves time
  • avoid unbalance debit & credit

Third skill was , how to delete unwanted or wrongly added transaction . Click the 'V.edit' button at very bottom of the page in the Transactions File Maintenance . Fill on the reference list (the one you would like to delete) with asterisks symbol (*) ten times and zero the value on both debit and credit (0.00) . Then go to 'Housekeeping' tab -> File Organisation . In File Organisation , uncheck the rest of the features displayed and only check on 'delete unwanted files' . Click OK to complete the deletion .

Last skill i have learned was on how to change the name of the account and to change the value (change in many) . To change the name of the account , go to 'General' tab -> Print Chart of Account -> double click on the name of account you wished to change and type in the new one , i.e ; Cash to Cash Sales . To change the value (change in many) , go to 'Transactions' tab -> Print Batches of Transactions -> click on V.edit . Just change any value and click save to complete it .

To conclude , this time around , it was a quick lesson and I had to collect and write as many information as I can in my notebook . It was hard to write , listen and do the UBS tutorial at a time but at least , the information written above is what I had managed to collect . Today's main lesson is about learning 'Quick Entry' and other that that is about the basic things in UBS Accounting System that we should know at the beginning .


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