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Currently studying at Management & Science University(MSU) , taking Diploma in Accountancy . and my name is ABBY for short . Enjoy reading my blog on Accounting Information System yeah :)

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Discuss and Elaborate Disaster Risk Management Procedure

is essential to ensure continuity of operations in the event of catastrophe.

Disaster Risk Management concerns two types of planning:
  1. Prevention Planning
  2. Contingency Planning
Disaster prevention is the first step in managing disaster risk.

Frequencies of disaster causes :

These data imply that a large percentage of disasters can be mitigated or avoided by good overall security policy. Many disasters resulting from sabotage and errors can be prevented by good security policy and planning. Careful consideration should be given to natural-disaster risks associated with prospective building sites. Concentrations of computer equipment and data should be located in parts of buildings least exposed to storms, earthquakes, floods, and fire as well as deliberate acts of sabotage.

A disaster recovery plan must be implemented at the highest levels in the company. The first step in developing a disaster recovery plan should be by obtaining the support if senior management and setting up a planning committee.
The design of plan should include THREE major components.


--> A complete set of recovery strategies should take into account the following :

# emergency response center
# escalation procedures
# alternate processing arrangements - (cold-site, hot-site, flying-start site)
# personnel relocation plan
# personnel replacement plan
# salvage plan
# plan for testing and maintaining the system

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