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Currently studying at Management & Science University(MSU) , taking Diploma in Accountancy . and my name is ABBY for short . Enjoy reading my blog on Accounting Information System yeah :)

Saturday 4 February 2012

How does eavesdroppers pose a threat to the Information System ?

Eavesdroppers is the act of secretly listening to the private conversation of others without their consent and  is one of the types of intruders. This is commonly thought to be unethical and there is an old adage that 
"eavesdroppers seldom hear anything good of themselves...eavesdroppers always try to listen to matters that concern them."
Intruders is define as anyone who accesses equipment, electronic data, or files without proper authorization. Intruders who attack information systems for fun and challenge are known as hackers. Hacker is a term used by some to mean "a clever programmer" and by others, especially those in popular media, to mean "someone who tries to break into computer systems."

How can eavesdroppers pose a threat to the Information System ?
Standard cathode-ray tubes(CRTs) used in common video display units emit electromagnetic interference(EMI) on a frequency capable of being picked up by an ordinary television set. Wim Van Eck, a Dutch electronics researchers, proved to a number of banks that it was possible to read the information on their CRTs almost a mile away using an ordinary television, a directional antenna, and an external sync generator. Anyone with this equipment can monitor sensitive information as it appears on the company's CRTs. Any information that passes through any public communication network is vulnerable to eavesdropping and piggy backing. For example, simply re-moving one wire from a Tandy (Radio Shack) scanner will allow one to monitor analog cellular telephone communications. There are clubs of individuals who make a regular habit of recording telephone conversations involving celebrities and public figures. 

The link below is one of the clips about 'Eavesdropping on Bluetooth'

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