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Currently studying at Management & Science University(MSU) , taking Diploma in Accountancy . and my name is ABBY for short . Enjoy reading my blog on Accounting Information System yeah :)

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Free Topic : Brothers & Sisters

Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet - Vietnamese Proverb .
Brothers and Sisters is a group that was created on 17 September 2011. It was named Brothers and Sisters or B&S in short because we can feel the closeness that exists between all of us. This group was made in all of sudden when we used to hang out and do a lot of things together and the best part is our parents always supports the activities that we do.

B&S consists of 10 people which 5 of us are men and the remaining are women. 8 of us are still studying in college that are Management & Science University(MSU), Cybernatics International College of Technology(CICT), Universiti Selangor(UNISEL), and Universiti Teknologi Mara(UITM) , one had just graduating from her study at Politenik Sabak Bernam(PSB) and another one is working as a supervisor in an advertising company.

There are several activities that we had done to fill the boredom in leisure time. We went fishing together, do photo shooting together, play basketball , went for a picnic at Bukit Belacan and Janda Baik , went for a motor rally , watched movies together , celebrate birthdays together , break fasting together and many more . We do enjoy our outing together :)

We are still in the making to design our group t-shirt and we are looking forward to meet all of the members soon for a meeting so that we can schedule back the activities that we had planned before this.


NABILAH (abby) & IZZAT (iz)

NAZIRAH (nyx) & ZULAIHA (jue)

ARNIDA (nieda) & SHAZA (el)

SHAHRIL (ariel) & EZELYNN (zack flynn)

ZAKWAN (zack oppa) & IZZAT (zack emerald)

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